Friday, February 25, 2011

Farewell to Bhuj and a sadu experience

Skyline of Bhuj- thelake is in the middle of the city

On the way to the airport we stopped at the island park and discovered this gentleman having his bath

Bath preparations

After the bath getting ready for photos

I am ready now!

Offering a prayer

Sorry this is saideways

Ros and Judy compare pictures

Do we have everything?

Double checking for tickets in Bhuj

more from Bhuj

Marilyn leads a sing song

Pizza for dinner !

That was good!

Are you guys leaving?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More from HodkaRamu

Ramu and his brother begin to wrap up Ramu's gift to Janet-who was his dee dee girl friend -

More careful wrapping and sewing into a parcel

Ramu and his father

Ramu's father painstackingly wrote out Ramu's name on the parcel

Sunset at Hodka

Our guard at the resort

Some of the neighbourhood kids

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A day on the Little Rann -salt flats

That is salt not sand

One Mary Poppins

Gaurav in a mask and Ramu

Lots of salt

2 nd Mary Poppins

Ramu and Ros

Hodka- Rammu`s village

Camels on the way to the village

Herd of water buffalo

My friend Ramu and his wife and children

Ramu`s compound

Ramu`s father and mother

Me with the twin girls who are showing off their embroidery that I bought

Some of the goods offered for sale

Ramu`s father

Charcoal pit

Our compound at Shaam e sharad

Mud work on wall

Ramu`s brother modeling my shawl as a turban

Ramu`s mother demonstrating on our sample- check out the size of the`sample

Òne of Ramu`s ralli quilts

Applique quilt

Concentrate Judy!

Preparation for mud work- dried cow dung is mixed with clay

Then rolled into a shape and stuck to the wall

Sometimes it takes getting more pressure and `convincing`to stay

Not easy as it looks

Ramu`s brother nad his wife both milk the water buffalo- 16 litres a day!

Bhujodi weaChamvers

Chaman's new work

Rug weaver gets close inspection

Chaman checking out his own work

He discovers a flaw and will not sell this piece

Warp preparation

Handwoven shirt

Shamji at the indigo pot

Some of Shamji's work

More byShamji