Judy says :
Just when I think I cannot be surprised--I am!
and I can cross the road !
Harriet says:
Quick and dirty- I am having fun!
What! cross the road !!!
Rosalind says:
I don`t know when I have met such a bunch
Hold my hand we have to cross the road
Bridget says:
Every thing that you have heard about India is true.
Cross the road no problem-
Marilyn says:
Russ and Gaurav are leading us a merry chase in Ahmedabad
Can I ride in the front seat?
Joan says:
India is exciting and so am I.
Ok what is next?
Judy |
Joan |
Bridget |
Rosalind |
Marilyn |
Harriet |
Looking good ladies.
Mom...you look exciting!! Love...Tracy