Thursday, March 3, 2011


Street scene-Varansi 

Varansi- old city on the banks of the |Ganges- holy city- near the place were Buddah started his religion.As it is old it is dirty and crowded. Streets are littered with trash, cow dung and people.But it has an appeal and a strangeness all it's own.
My hotel was about 2 km from the river so it required an autorickshaw ride to get there[ at least so I knew where I was going.In addition to autorickshaws there are bike rickshaws manned mostly by farmers from the country looking for easy? money- mostly no english and unsure of where to go.I think they upped the price when they saw my size- don't blame them it is hard work peddling a large white guy with a camera.
My first experience in Varanasi was an early morning river cruise in row boat! about 50 minutes to an hour and a half  to watch the sunrise on the river as the banks start the morning din. People bathing in the river, others washing clothing- dogs, goats, kids,old folk all looking like they were the only ones there.
Casting off

From the river to the ghats

Early morning on the ghats

You should see this later in the day!

Washing in the Ganges


Cremation site

Morning ritual


Sadhu closer up
Next post will be weaving in Varanasi

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hotel Gangaram- Mr.Jehti's pride and joy

Your host Mr Jehti

Mr Jehti in front of Gaurav's van on departure day

Gaurav and Mr Jehti

Mr Jehti in front of hotel

Isha, the cook, porter, guard,etc Had a great smile

The cleaning ladies

Lobby looking out to street

Looking out

Dining room

On guard

street outside the hotel

Interior of lobby

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the next post will be about Varanasi

Sorry no photos today. On the wrong computer.
My trip to Varansi was great long going and longer coming back to Ahmedabad.
37 hrs going 3 days in Varanasi thne 37 hrs back- but the train was 7 1/2 hrs late leaving. I was beginning to panic since I had to be back to catch my flight home. Indian Moments- a travel company I used treated me very well.
First indication that the train would be late they called my hotel to let me know about the delay so I went walking around some more. Came back to the hotel to hear that there was a further delay  so I walked some more. Back to the hotel and the agent was there to meet me and move me to a 5 star hotel for the remaining wait - what a difference from the 1.75 star I had been in. A great lunch buffet with people from all over the wrold who travel on a much different budget than mine. Eventually I was transfered to the train station and waited until time to board with the agent and the driver. Was helped on to the train to my 2nd class AC location only to discover that this train did not have a 2AC car- good luck smiled and the agent made sure that I had a 3 AC space.  The journey began and I slept off and on. On getting up in the morning in the middle of the counrty I discovered that no one had occupied the bottom berth  so I moved down to enjoy the rest of the trip. My travel companions happened to be employed by the train service and as a result food was included in their fare. I was invited to share the food with them- I ate what they ate and left what they left. They were not impressed by the service or the food either. The gentleman was in the medical field and spoke some english so the time passed .
What a great view of the passing country side. By the time we arrived inAhemdabad we were only 2/1/2 hrs late A record I was told.
Off to my hotel and a shower and bed.
The next morning Gaurav and I finished some business and then drove out to the airport for boarding.  and the long flight home.
Sorry to see the end of the trip.
Next posting will be a write up about Varansi and then lots of pictures.
Take care of each other

A day at Kala Raksha Design School

Student explaining her samples
A different project explained

Her first colour mixing samples

Applied colour theory in embroidery

How I get some of the colours I use

Samples of my work

Samples of my work modelled by students

Another scarf modelled

My bandhani [ tie and dye] and woven shibori wrap

The computer tech models

Judy Frater- director and me searching for something

How do you explain snow?

Colour wheel exercise begins

Colour wheel nears completion

Gaurav begins his Kumihimo braid

Working on their braids

I am going to get this yet!

Part of Kala Raksha campus